Here are some highlighting features.
Offer an accessible, beautiful, and picture-rich Digital Menuwith properly described dishes to get your customers drooling.
Send personalized notifications for offers, new introductions,event-deals & discounts, special messages and more.
Offer your customers personalized discounts, deals and offersinstantly and grow your repeat orders like never before.
Track order history and gain deep customer insights with reportsand dashboards to make decisions.
Send your customers Promotional Emails with some great deals,and offers by selecting particular users from the user list.
Run all your outlets with a single app that also helps youmanage manifold Inventory & Stock, Staff and Customers.
User can make a reservation on their favourite outlets.
Let your customers add their favorite dishes to cart fromselected stores and order online.
Simply sign up with a phone number, email address and withsome basic details.
Easy to browse from the menu and get desired results.
Pay from authenticated payment gateways for quick payments
Have a track record of your payments and order placed inyour app account details.
Have convenience to order the same item or multiple with asingle tap.
Attract your customers by allowing them to explore newdiscount coupons at the time of checkout.
Have access to all your functions and tabs on a singlescreen for easy dealing.
Get access to manage and learn information about customersthrough app.
Add multiple store list and modify existing store with addand delete options.
You get to manage all menu items, categories, items bystores, recommended items, etc.
This feature allows admin to generate new offers and promocodes for discounts.
This feature allows the admin to send customizednotifications to particular users.
Send promotional emails to the users by selecting emailsfrom list .
Admin can keep track of every online order.
Make your customers comfortable with easy access to menu and order
placement in a single tap through simple app navigation.
User can explore multiple stores and make a reservation in advance.
They get to choose the number of tables, date, and time.
This feature allows your user to keep track of your running deals, offers,
promo codes and discount offers on your mobile app.
Never lose a potential customer. This app shows order
status of every order to users.
Generate revenues easily with payment gateways.
Allow payments through cards and wallets for ease of customer.
User can save their multiple location in a apps.
This will save their timing while adding locations at every order.
Let’s take your restaurant business online today!
We paint the bright future for the businesses working on digital landscapes and firmly believe in providing productive long-term business relationships.